Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Poetry: Pack for Two Trips by Henry Ansah

What's the difference between me and you?

You raise the stakes and I raze them into a pit of normality

You lean on ethics and I justify my misjudgment with more of the same

You are content with meekness and I am fueled by ostentatiousness

What's the difference between me and you?

I am the paragon; you are the scapegoat

I am as open as a tourist; you are intrigued by maintaining the comfort of a parochial outlook

I am the golden child; you are last place

Read the rest after the jump

What's the difference between me and you?

You continue to pile on your duties while I jettison my plate of priorities

You equivocate to avoid judgment while I am bold enough to face the facts

You let your ego navigate you through peril while I never hesitate to look to the Gods

What's the difference between me and you?

I am the progeny of kings; you are the black sheep

I find success in innovation and progression; you hark back to antediluvian teachings

I love, live, and let go; you hold grudges and rancorous feelings

What's the difference between me and you?

I understand the duality of life, but we hate being on the fence.

Henry Ansah

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